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Best Facial Hair Epilator To Buy In 2025

Visible facial hair is a very common problem faced by many women around the world.

Most women have fine, thin, light coloured hairs on their faces that are practically unnoticeable, while others have the unfortunate genetic gift of coarse, thick, dark facial hairs that are a source of embarrassment.

Of all the beauty and grooming tasks we must undertake, removing facial hair is up there with the worst – men excluded.

Hair Removal Methods for Facial Hair

Today, women have a plethora of tools and methods at the ready for efficient face hair removal – shaving, plucking, threading, depilatory creams, facial epilators, IPL lasers – even bleaching, though bleaching is more like hiding, so that doesn’t count.

However, some of these methods are quite short-lived, time-consuming, and painful.

Bleaching facial hair works well if the hair is very fine, but won’t work very well on thicker, coarser hairs, and as I alluded to already, this method doesn’t actually remove any hairs, it simply lightens their colour to make them less noticeable.

While plucking with tweezers and waxing can remove the hair from the root, these are quite time-consuming and sore to perform.

Depilatory creams contain chemicals that can cause skin irritation in some people, and don’t always get the job done thoroughly. Sure, they smell nice and “work” to break down hairs, but it’s not the most optimal of methods.

Shaving is a quick, painless, and practical method. However, the effect lasts for only a few days, before hairs start growing back thicker, creating facial stubble – a not very pleasant drawback for women that requires daily shaving to keep at bay.

Also, it’s not uncommon to hear women complain that shaving their face promotes ingrown hairs and spots.

The process of laser or electrolysis hair removal is a method used to permanently remove hairs by destroying the hair follicle. They work by “killing” the hairs production center with a beam of intense light, or intense heat energy by the probe, respectively.

After treatment – if done correctly – you don’t have to worry about removing facial hair ever again, because the hairs can’t grow back.

However, this method is prohibitively expensive, and results aren’t always guaranteed.

So, what then, should women do to control unwanted hairs sprouting from their face.

Enter… the Facial Hair Epilator

Of the methods we’ve briefly talked about thus far, a facial hair epilator is probably the best tool to use at home.

A quality facial epilator manufactured by a leading brand comes in at an affordable price point and is a super-effective way to remove hair.

Epilation eliminates hairs in minutes by plucking them from the root with small mechanical tweezers, and results last for weeks, not days. Your skin is left completely smooth, and hairs grow back slow and fine – like waxing, without the mess.

Epilators might sound harsh – in that, they mechanically rip the hairs out of your face – and can be “stingy” for some people, at first, but they are probably one of the best options available for women looking to remove facial hair.

Why You Should Buy a Face Epilator

Unlike lady shavers and full body epilators – which are designed for large surface hair removals such as legs and arms – facial epilators are designed specifically for the safe and precise removal of hairs around smaller areas of the face.

Facial epilators remove face hair delicately, with small mechanics.

They allow you to discreetly remove hairs from your upper lip, forehead, and chin, at home, at your own pace, without having to book yourself in at a local salon and explain how you need those whiskers plucked.

Be warned, though, epilators are not for everyone. Some people can experience pain, swelling, and irritated skin. I recommend you do a trial run for a few weeks to see how your skin takes to the epilator before deciding whether it’s right for you.

It’s one of these gadgets with very mixed reviews – some love them, some hate them – we don’t know how they’ll work for you, all we can do is point you in the direction of a quality product to try.

And without further ado, here they are…

Top 2 Facial Epilators – Reviewed

Braun FaceSpa 851V 3-in-1 Facial Epilator Review

Here it is, the moment you’ve all been waiting for, our top ranked best facial hair epilator – behold – the Braun FaceSpa 851V 3-in-1 Facial Epilator, with great performance, portability, and ease of use, it’s a winning product.

What’s so Special about the Braun FaceSpa 851V?

  • World’s first 3-in-1 device for epilation, deep pore cleansing, skin vitalization.
  • Features 10 micro-openings for precise facial epilation capable of capturing hairs 4x shorter than waxing.
  • Can be used both wet (in the shower or bath) and dry.
  • Facial cleansing brush 6x better than cleaning with hands
  • Skin vitalization pad helps to get younger and fresher looking skin.
  • Comes with a lighted mirror, 2 AA batteries and a beauty pouch.
  • Epilator head can rotate in both directions, so you can change hands.

This compact epilator is so convenient, that you can carry it anywhere, in your handbag, ready for use, whenever you need it, and comes with a backlit mirror.

It’s a “3-in-1” device – cordless epilator, cleansing brush, and vitalizing tool. The epilator is equipped with a head that is extra-slim and the 10 micro-openings can trap the finest of the hair, as short as 0.2 mm, leaving behind soft and smooth skin for up to 1 month.

The Braun FaceSpa is extremely easy to use and makes the removal of unwanted facial hair quick and effortless.

How quick?

The head operates at 200 plucking motions per second. Compare that to manual plucking with tweezers which gives you maybe 1 pluck per second, the job is much more thorough and fast.

The Braun FaceSpa allows you to complete your entire facial routine of cleansing, exfoliation, skin vitalization of T-zone with a single device.

  • Cleansing: You can complete your skin cleansing routine by using your Braun FaceSpa. You’ll achieve a salon-smooth, hair-free glowing face.
  • Exfoliation: You can use the 10,000 bristles exfoliation brush to exfoliate your face weekly for a deeper pore cleansing routine that removes dead skin cells, oils, makeup, pollutants, and reduces ingrown hairs.
  • Skin Vitalising: The Braun FaceSpa kit comes with a silicon skin vitalising pad which you can use to massage your creams or serums into your face.
  • Applying Makeup: You can apply the foundation or cream using the Braun FaceSpa.

Facial hair can be embarrassing, especially at times when you have some special occasion, an impromptu party to attend, or suddenly spot a stray whisker. This competitive set gives you everything you need to keep your facial hair in just the right places.

Check out our updated Braun FaceSpa Pro 912 Review and see what this amazing system has to offer.

Braun Purple 832 Epilator for Face with Cleansing Brush Review

If you’re looking for a compact epilator that is suitable for your facial hair removal, then the Limited Edition, Braun Face 832 is a great buy.

It boasts all the same features as the Braun FaceSpa 851V 3-in-1 – the difference with this epilator is that it doesn’t have the beauty mirror or revitalizing pad – it’s a simple quality epilator, without the extras.

The Braun Face 832 allows you to get two facial treatments of facial epilation and deep pore cleansing with just one device. The face epilator is very simple to use and removes facial hair right from its root, and the electric facial brush helps to give your face a deep clean.

The Braun Face 832 has a sleek compact mascara wand-like design that allows you to control the hair removal with absolute precision and style.

The face cleansing function of the Braun Face 832 is 6 times more effective than when you do it manually.

In less than a minute, the cleansing brush removes all the impurities and dirt from your face leaving behind naturally glowing skin.

The cleansing brush works using hundreds of micro-oscillations that help in deep pore cleansing and allow the better absorption of the serum and cream.

The Braun Face 832 is 100% waterproof, which means that you can use the facial cleanser even in your shower.

Features of the Braun Face 832

  • Comprises the epilator for face and the cleansing brush.
  • Has a compact and sleek design for precise and accurate epilation.
  • Includes a face cleansing brush.
  • 6 times more effective than manual cleansing with soap and fingertips.
  • Micro-oscillating brush for pore cleansing of the face.
  • Tested by dermatologists and suitable for daily use even on sensitive skin.
  • Limited Edition: Comes with a lilac coloured cap, extra refill brush and a beauty pouch.

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